Welcome to the home of Sniping and Reconnaissance

Sniping is actually a young type of warfare, when firearms were first built they were unreliable and inaccurate, but as time rolled by better and more accurate rifles were made and men to use those rifles were chosen.  The Marksman has been around since bows and arrows, but this modern marksman had a stick of wood, metal, and fire.  These proficient shooters were placed in their special category and given weaponry to match, with rifle in hand and dirt in their teeth they struck fear into the hearts of the enemy.

We are ISIS, the International Sniping and Infiltration Squad, we train together, scream together, kill together.  If one wants to join us, one must have a likable chemistry, a love for what they do, and have instincts.  This is not a job, this is an art.  And one must understand this in order to paint their pictures across the globe and make a name for themself.  We are brothers and if a majority of the group wants you gone, you're gone.  We have little order, but we don't want to have to have it, we all have our own assignments.  If you see yours is unreachable ask for help or rethink the situation.  We're here to help, we're here to criticize, and we're here to make you embarrassed.  If you really want to succeed, if you NEED to succeed when the cards are on the table, you'll be able to pull your trump card.

I am VanishingPuppet and this is my team.  We are the Sniping and Recon team.  We just recently added the Recon to the mix, but though it is fairly new, I've been doing it for a couple years on my own and I'm willing to teach.  Not everyone can snipe, I'll admit that, I can't use a shotgun for shit but I know those who can.  I can tell you from all the people I've trained there are a couple key factors to success:

1.) Find your absolute favorite weapon, it will become your child, but don't be afraid to try off-the-wall weapons.  To be honest, that's how I became a sniper.

2.) Stick with that weapon, don't be afraid to have some back up classes, but if you like it, use it.

3.) Rely on your instincts, they're usually right...

4.) Your men are your brothers - watch their ass and they'll return the favor.

Wanna try out? Hit me up for the Xbox 360, GT: VanishingPuppet

We will set up an evaluation match, the other officers present and myself use the information we gather to find out where you should be in our clan.

I'm sorry that I had to remove the story everyone, quite a few people tried to claim it as their own, and I couldn't let that happen, so it is on my hard drive and when it is done I will copyright it and put it back on.


Sorry about the inconvenience!


“The Man in the Bushes”

            It was calm and quiet.  The man was lying amongst the brush and brown leaves littering the ground.  The sun was high and hot, so hot the mosquitoes weren’t even out to bother him.  He was almost invisible; his suit letting him disappear among the bushes. His breathing was steady. Its steadiness was much like a clock, always constant, and extremely slow; it would make you wonder if time had stopped between each breath.  He was tall and slender, but at the same time he was strong.  His strength lied in his arms.  They were holding his bolt-action rifle and they were so tight you would think he was a statue.


            His target was a man, not very short, not very tall.  He was the leader of the enemy forces.  He was well-tanned and wore a red beret with gold-rimmed aviators.  The man in the bushes, salty sweat dripping in his mouth and in his eyes, did not have a visible face.  It was covered by a balaclava, except for his eyes, they were a piercing ice blue.  His sharp eyes slowly made their way to his scope and then he placed the cross-hairs on the leader’s chest.  The man in the bushes waited and waited for the wind to die down again.  During this time, he checked the humidity; watching heat waves rise slowly from the ground.


             The wind was finally calm, and the leader was yelling at one of his men, so the man in the bushes slowed his breathing even further and made sure every factor was accounted for. Everything was ready, so it seemed, and the man in the brush took in a deep breath, squeezed the gun’s stock, and pulled the trigger.  It was over, this invisible man, this ghost, had taken out the enemy’s leader.  He’s smart, he’s disciplined, and he’s a sniper.


^^^VanishingPuppet wrote that ^^^


 "No, what you have are bullets and the hope that once your mags are empty I'm dead on the floor, because if I'm not....I'll kill you all before you've reloaded."


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